Thursday, March 10, 2011

Electro Pop!!

Last May I went to an event in SF called ETD POP and did this make up for it. I didn't have a blog then, so I recreated it tonight! It is one of my favorite looks for events because it looks so magical, but is actually quite easy compared to the outcome! and a fabulous way to make any look look better is buy gluing stuff to your face! you know, sequins, stars, rhinestones, etc.

Products used:
Base: Kryolan aqua color in white
Aspen Summit from Sephora (white shimmer)
Tako from Sugarpill (matte white)
Ciao Ciao from Tokidoki (iridescent pink)
Dollipop from Sugarpill (bright pink)
Purple baked shadow from Hot Topic
Afterparty from Sugarpill
Glitter liner from Urban Decay in Glam Rock
Kat Von D liquid eyeliner

1) put the white base all over lid and lower lid too, once dry-ish blend out edges
2) using Aspen Summit and a big brush apply all over lids and take back to hairline, over the bridge of your nose, and around eye socket (creating a shimmery mask)
3) go over same areas with Tako to make white brighter
4) dust Ciao Ciao all over eye area (socket)
5) brush Dollipop all over lid and above crease (not above brow though, each color your going to do a smaller circle so they fade easily)
6) brush the purple all over lids and in the crease, a little above too
7) apply Afterparty to lids
8) Sweep glitter liner along lower lash line and apply liquid liner and mascara
9) using a lash glue, glue sequins and rhinestones to your face to add extra sparkle!!

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